Monday, December 29, 2008

Favorite Christmas Gifts

We didn't spend alot on Christmas gifts this year but did have a few presents to give out. One present that my daughter and her friend gave to all of us was a card telling us that a donation was made in our names for clean water to those who don't have that luxury. Here is the website. I thought it was a great idea for a gift and love that they have the servant spirit.

Another favorite gift was a note saying that we would have a girl's day out with lunch and a pedicure on December 28th. My two daughters, two nieces and a friend went to a sushi restaurant for lunch. It was raining and cool so we decided to postpone the pedicures to a warmer day. They know how much I enjoy spending time with them so and knew that spending time with them would be more special than a purchased gift.

After lunch, I took my oldest daughter shopping for her birthday, which is December 26th. She turned 30 this year. Wow. I have a 30 year old daughter!!!

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