Friday, July 6, 2007

Girl's Night Out

Tuesday night I had the opportunity to spend some time with some of my girlfriends. Everyone gathered at my house for barbeque and female bonding. We had beef and shrimp kabobs, sweet potato crunch, green salad with feta cheese and roasted sugared pecans, fresh blueberry pie with ice cream, potato salad, chips and dip along with lots of great conversation, laughs and fun. My niece brought her Wii game over for some entertainment. I didn't get to play that night but have been giving it a try the last couple of days. Boy am I sore!!! Also, I am not very good at any of the traditional sports - bowling, tennis, baseball and golf but did great on the boxing. I guess those karate classes I took helped with that. As part of the game, you can take a Wii fitness test to see what your Wii age is. The first time I took it, I was age 80. ugh! I tried again the next day and it dropped to 64 (better but still not very good). Since I can only take the fitness test once a day I'll keep trying till I have to give the game back. I've never been a big fan of video games but this one is alot of fun and at least you have to move around.

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